Our membership dues are $150.00 per year. Memberships are from July 1 to June 30. Memberships will be prorated depending on which month you join. Proration applies to new members only. Renewal memberships for current members will be $150.00 regardless of what month you renew. Membership includes use of the shop during business hours and some supplies. Members are encouraged to bring their own materials to work on their projects. Some materials are available to purchase.
We don’t have formal classes but we do have mentors.
To join, come in and fill out some paperwork. Bring a check or cash, we don’t accept credit cards.
The responsibilities of our members include:
– Working in a safe manner
– Cleaning up after oneself
– Notifying us of any damage to equipment so that we can repair it
Any questions about memberships, feel free call, 231-869-5323, or send us an email.